Ordet, Milan

June 25 – September 28, 2024

Metal Works

Sidsel Meineche Hansen

Ordet is pleased to present Metal Works, the first exhibition devoted exclusively to the metal production of Sidsel Meineche Hansen. The survey includes cast, forged, and fabricated metal sculptures.

The artist’s practice addresses the industrial complex of virtual and robotic bodies and their relationship to labor in tech, pornography and gaming. While some sculptures were conceived as individual pieces, others were created with digital counterparts within installations that typically include CGI animation, documentary video, drawing and prints. By presenting the metal works as stand-alone pieces, this exhibition adheres to Meineche Hansen’s concern with the material means of production, highlighting their concrete yet elusive nature.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi
Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

Installation view,Metal Works, Ordet, Milan, 2024.

– Photography: Nicola Gnesi